Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Complete Guide to Indoor Soccer Gear

The selection of ideal soccer equipment is vital for every soccer player. Here are the basic gear requirements for indoor soccer:

  • Soccer Cleat
  • Shin Guards
  • Uniform
  • Soccer Ball

Soccer Cleat

Soccer Cleat
Soccer Cleat

The selection of any shoes depends upon its design, size, material, situation and brand quality. Specific soccer shoes are required for indoor surfaces.
The proper selection of shoes is vital for each player. The soccer cleat is expensive and should be selected carefully. Selection of lightweight shoes is not recommended for indoor soccer whereas shoes with a high grip are considered preferable for indoor soccer.

Consider the following points when choosing the right fit:

  • Your heel should not lift while wearing the shoes
  • The space of 1/8” to ¼" must be maintained with a comfy forefoot.
  • The shoe should fit the volume and width of your feet. 
  • Examine the shoe material so that the right fit of your shoes can be maintained. 
  • Wear socks while trying on the shoes. This helps you to achieve the right fit.

Shin Guards

Shin Guards
Shin Guards

Shin guards are an integral part of a player’s uniforms. The shin guards act as an armor and provide safety for the player. The impact upon the shin bone is decreased when shin guards are worn. 
Choose the correct size and shape of shin guards appropriate for a player’s position. Shin guards are available in four sizes i.e. extra-large, large, medium, small and extra small. 

The price of shin guards varies according to the brand, type, and quality. There are basically two types of shin guards such as slip-ins or ankle shin guards. The slip-in shin guards are light shields that slide in underneath the socks and are a basic design without straps. This type of shin guard provides for high motion and mobility and is recommended for advanced players. On the contrary, ankle shin guards protect the ankles against kicks and sprains. This type of guard is suggested for young and intermediate players. 


soccer uniforms
Soccer Uniforms

Generally, the indoor soccer uniforms consist of a shirt, shorts, socks, and gloves for the goalkeeper. The player should feel comfortable while wearing the uniform. The shirt and shorts should be lightweight and comprise high-quality fabric. It's desirable that the uniform be shrink resistant, to maintain its original size and shape.  When selecting gloves, consideration for quality, fit and grip are important.

Soccer Ball

Soccer Ball
Soccer Ball

The choice of soccer ball varies according to the playing environment. The ball selections are usually done on the basis of its weight and the playing surface. Some players choose felt covered and lightweight balls for indoor surfaces.

For more information about indoor soccer, requirements visit us at or call us at 1300 864 755.


  1. this is very informative and intersting for them who confused about soccer cleats, soccer uniform and others equipments. thanks for sharing it with us, please keep going.
